Poilievre has not been tested under pressure. As a start I think Trudeau must step down , and the party must elect a new leader and put out a a solid platform of what it sees for the future of Canada before they call an election. Poilievre for all his criticism and telling what he will repeal has offered nothing by way of substance to the electorate. The government, along with all the other political parties must hammer home Poilievre's Record or more accurately ,non - record. Poilievre has been in the House for 20 years, as a member , a cabinet minister and now as the leader of his party. One is hard pressed to come up with one thing he has done for the betterment of the Nation in all that time in all three of those positions.

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I’ve been watching, reading and listening to copious amount on the PM, including his own interviews. I get the distinct impression that he has zero intention of stepping down. He appears to me to be ready to run and if he loses, c’est la vie. I agree with what you said about Poilievre. His entire career has been devoted to partisan politics not to Canada. I’m uncomfortable with this new iteration of the CPC. Especially with Harper, and his farther than I like right ideology, lurking.

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Poilievre recently said social programs are on the cutting block! With the polls showing a Conservative victory, perhaps we need a good dose of Neoliberalism on Steroids and a complete dissolution of our social democracy! Poilievre not only wants to be in charge he wants to destroy the NDP and Liberals and Trudeau has fallen into the trap.

If the Liberals and NDP can't agree to not run their candidates in the same riding we will have an end to social orientated society and move further to the right where one is assumed to be selfish and the free unregulated market is the way to go. Hah! The common good is no longer relevant, if u can’t make it its your fault, suffer, be homeless we don't care.

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David: I see many similarities between the rise of Nazism in pre war Germany and the modern day Conservative Party in Canada and the Republican Party under Trump in the U.S. While I read a lot, and have seen articles which have made a reference to that being so, I have as not yet seen anyone make an in depth analysis of that being so. For example all three have interfered with the judiciary, all three have attacked immigrants with Trump going to say that Immigrants are diluting the fabric of America which doesn't to me too far from Hitler's claim that Germans were the 'superior race.' All three have messed with the constitution or indicated their intention to do so, and all three have messed with gender equality. Hitler separated families as they went to the death camps and Republican governors have separated families as they came across the U.S. southern border often without documenting where the children were sent. Scary to say the least and it seems to me that an in depth analysis needs to be done by someone who is credible. It would, in my view take at least a book and perhaps even more than one volume if it were to be examined in a world - wide context.

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Please advise the "facts" that are not "facts".

Democracy...per Churchill--check

Other systems bad to citizens--Gaza, Iran et al--check

Islamic theocracies--bad to citizens--check

Non-confidence = need for change--check

Libs 4th ranked in current forecasts--check

Canada is an embarassed nation because of Trudeau (See Indian fashion house)--check

Canada cannot live with stale ineptitude--massive amounts of citizen opinion--check

Time for a new fact-checker, Aatos

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So much nonsense in this article. "the most toxic way our elected representatives can manage." There is only one party that is toxic, and that is obvious. Painting all of our elected representatives with their foul brush is toxic in itself. Despite the Con's best efforts to prevent any forward motion for the country, the Liberals have managed to move forward on many fronts, an amazing feat in the face of the Cons and all that is going on globally. This sounds like a 'there are good people on both sides' article, and it does not encourage me to read any more.

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Then by all means, please do piss off.

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About what I would expect from a so-called journalist.

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Yet again more handwringing. Churchill nailed it: "Democracy is the worst form of government except for all the others." There are lots of other systems, David, why not write about the strengths of them? Think Gaza, Iran, China, Russia...et al. Check out the Islamic theocracies in the middle east. How're they working out for their citizens.

Once a government has lost the confidence of the people, it must change. Like it or not, that's how it works. The Liberal government is currently forecast to be the #4 ranked party (by seats)--behind the NDP, the Bloc and the Conservatives. The Prime Minister has relegated Canada to a global has-been and has thoroughly embarrassed us in the process.

The democratic messiness of government decline, election and government rejuvenation must bring change. Canada cannot live with the stale ineptitude we have now.

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Utter nonsense. Just an opinion based on zero facts. The actual facts tell a very different story, one of a government that has succeeded in moving us forward despite the toxic Cons' best efforts to derail it.

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Please advise the "facts" that are not "facts".

Democracy...per Churchill--check

Other systems bad to citizens--Gaza, Iran et al--check

Islamic theocracies--bad to citizens--check

Non-confidence = need for change--check

Libs 4th ranked in current forecasts--check

Canada is an embarassed nation because of Trudeau (See Indian fashion house)--check

Canada cannot live with stale ineptitude--massive amounts of citizen opinion--check

Time for a new fact-checker, Aatos

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So no facts actually. Just Con noise.

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My Liberal MP provides the barest minimum for our constituency and has nothing to speak against Israel’s actions.

There is so much that needs to be e done in a very small amount of time I have no idea how any Government is going to be able to do anything if they’re all campaigning.

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Parliament is running down the clock until poll numbers improve, but it's hard to see how this will help when you're down 8-2 in the 3rd period. Then again, there's a lot of things that haven't made sense these last few years. What a mess.

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