Germany did the same in 1933 when Hitler was made chancellor. They made the same excuses. Even later when word started to leak out about death camps a lot of the German people refused to believe it. The human race has a tendency to lull itself into authoritarianism.

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We were in Chicago this week with Americans who do believe Trump is totalitarian. They know he is an aspiring dictator and are quite open about that. However, in the same breath, they are building their cross country real estate portfolio, happy with their daughter's career prospects, planning a trip to Italy next year and shocked we didn't want to go to New Orleans because of guns and insane laws denying women our healthcare rights. Kind of like Canadians who want to keep all the Liberal policies of dental care, child care, pharma care but plan to vote CPC. The human is a complicated creature.

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David, I'm seeing the reality that his persistent supporters would actually stand and cheer him on under blistering sky high temps on Sunday. That he actually said 'I Don't Care About You, Just Your Vote, I Don't Care' and they still stood & clapped in a Heatwave while 24 people passed out. So ya, he'll go all in for authoritarianism or fascism with that kind of insane/unhinged support.

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The fact that very few recognize that Trump is a Fascist and are willing to do anything about it is indeed truly scary. And we cannot be too complacent here in Canada because the Conservative Party in it's modern day form isn't that far behind. While many know how the world's experience with Hitler ended far fewer recognize how it started or at least chose to ignore it. He as the Conservatives of today are doing maligned the legitimate press. There was the Night of broken glass in Germany. The Freedom Convoy and the January 6 attack on the White House is not too far removed from that if at all. Hitler attacked and interfered with the judiciary and attacked the constitution. Ford, Smith and other Conservative leaders are doing the same. Hitler Attacked gender (Gays) Conservatives are doing the same. I could go on, but we cannot be too smug, as history is indeed being repeated before our very eyes. There is a major difference The Germans when Hitler rose to power had no ide where it could lead. We as Canadians and those in the United States cannot say the same. We would all be served well by rereading First They Came, by Pastor Martin Niemoller and take them to heart.

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After I watched the Iraq War lies transparently dreamed up and sold like they were Beanie Babies, and the whole media going along with it, I really will believe anything about those running America, large democratic countries - that they are no different underneath than the ones running those "shitholes" that they like to bribe for oil and mines.

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As an American, and now a Canadian Citizen, its both difficult to believe the US may elect an authoritarian who will institute American fascism, and unsurprising as the Jim Crow south was inspiration for the Nazis. I was born in the last years of Jim Crow Florida and have a few memories of that fascist regime. Trump and Republicans are the 21st century version of the white supremists who ruled over the Jim Crow south. For Canada, my concern is we would become a client state of Trump's authoritarian US. It's not a remote possibility the US would fund a coup to install a US puppet regime.

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I knew we were in trouble the moment HRC conceded the 2016 election and Americans greenlighted “The Presidential Apprentice”

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I remember David Frum admonishing Danielle Moodie on CBC the night he won for overreacting to his win. To me at the time she seemed realistic and had a good grasp of the risk of his win. Wonder if he ever apologized to her because her reaction in hindsight seems appropriate.

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Trump is infected with authorianism. But, given the SOLE choice between demonic and demented, I'm afraid I can only go with Trump. The US cannot continue to drift as it has.

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Trump shows more signs of dementia than Biden, though. And you thinking the people around Trump will constrain him just proves David's point. That won't happen. You're just deluding yourself.

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Then, dear Catherine, I remain demented.

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They are both poor choices, but did you hear Trump at one of his most recent stops talking about sharks and boats? There is no way he is actually coherent enough to run things well. Nevermind that he wants America to become an authoritarian state under his leadership.

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If you vote for Trump then you are part of the problem.

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Ed, you're running from the problem. Why, in heaven's sake can a population of 325 million not find 2 candidates of merit? However, in this instance, they could not...and we now have Biden and Trump.

Assuming you won't run from that problem and not vote, whom would you vote FOR?

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Donald Trump , by any definition is a buffoon> I agree with you the choices are not great. However it is too late in the game for either party to come up with another candidate. Whether you want to accept it or not, Trump outside of the United States is the laughing stock of the world. Hands down I would vote for Biden.

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I respect your choice, Ed. I'm betting that the administrative system will restrain Trump enough that his inclinations to "do things" will be moderated. My concern with Biden is that he's NOT inclined to do things--depending instead on some "ghost president group" to guide him.

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Lots of people said that last time and then there was a storming of the capitol when he lost. Also, I have seen many point out that many of the people that kept him in check (Kelly for instance) are gone and those that replaced them are poorer in governance and support Trump’s worst tendencies.

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Again I say: lots of criticism of Trump...sharp, sometimes inaccurate, sometimes cruel but criticism nonetheless.

The inclination to criticize Biden is demonstrably muted...to the point of structural bias.

To the Trump haters: tell me the specific reasons you'll be voting FOR Biden (and keep the Trump-hating out of your remarks.)

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