It's so exhausting to be in this cycle of short-sighted stupidity/grift, protest and outrage over easily foreseeable issues, stonewall, stonewall, polling dip, protest, reverse course.

Even more exhausting to think that we might have to go through the same if the same incompetent bumbleheads are re-elected again.

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Better that you write about the Ford government's failures, even though it would require a multi- volume book. If you were to write about this government's accomplishments, you would have absolutely nothing to write about.

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“At some point you’d think a [voter ]would learn from its mistakes. It would find better people. “. There, I fixed it for you.

It’s Ontarians who vote for someone like Ford for the second time who worry me more than Ford himself ...

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The vast majority of voters did not vote for Doug Ford.

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Great article and thank you for pointing out the truth about this corrupt government.

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Well said. Ford and the government he leads are deficient in competence and no number of failures will change that especially as turmoil roils his administration, he is more engaged in another Ford Fest than anything else which underlines that there isn't a discernable reason why Ford decided to become Premier or any guiding vision for Ontario other than making his pals rich. The ultimate shame is on the people of the province for giving him the undeserved privilege of two straight majority governments.

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We can only imagine the greater corruption they are trying to hide by changing their policies. How do we get them out of power now that they all wear full construction costumes every chance they get? 😁

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Ford is actually quite consistent from a Trumpian (I will call it) point of view in which politics is a game show with a new episode every day, where the game is to win the public applause. (Trump actually described the job in those terms to staffers.)

Ford's screwups that have to be walked back all looked like good announcements at the time. It's like Liberals-on-steroids, where they announce programs with great fanfare, and little follow-through. Ford announces what he imagines to be Big Wins (keeping in mind that he thinks buck-a-beer to be one), and then discovers that there are difficulties in delivery, or side-effects that are bad.

The calculus is that the later cancellation is quieter than the original announcement, for a net positive.

The Liberals play that game fairly well, though of course the public eventually wises up. Ford is less competent, has been caught earlier and more often.

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This is the crux of it all 2/3 of York Region Council fully understood the financial & legal jeopardy they were forcing upon regional government but didn’t care. YR staff, the day to day administration, could do nothing to stop political direction to protect YR from such reckless decision making. They warned in staff reports, briefing notes but could say nothing in Chambers unless spoken to, could not call out misinformation spoken by Council members or landowners paid representatives giving deputations. Conformity w/ provincial planning legislation was bended beyond recognition. I submitted a complaint to the Integrity Commissioner who refused to investigate. It was like watching collusion for land use planning by Council decision. It was also a competition to prioritize & advance major infrastructure to service land. The province did not care either.

I guess this is what the RCMP investigation will be about. What happens when politicians are elected who collectively fail to make reasonable decisions that protect the public interest, the government, day-to-day public administration and at what point does that become a crime?

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While I agree the Ford government is terrible at governing, us environmentalists cheered yesterday at the decision! I worry that characterizing it as a "flip flop" will just encourage them to "flop" back - especially with pressure from their developer buddies!

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The problem is, nothing the Ford government does is from a sense of integrity or ethics. Ford's reversal came not from a sense of duty but because two reports exposed how truly corrupt this government really is. Ontarians should have been fully aware of what a Ford government would look like after he and his brother served on Toronto City council. That government was so corrupt and chaotic that Rob Ford had to be turfed. This government deserves the same fate, but it won't happen if 57 per cent of the electorate stay home and refuses to vote. I know that many of them do not vote because they don't think it will count for much. It will count for far more than doing nothing.

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