Welcome to the big show!

It’s a pleasure to meet you. I’m Dave and I’m so glad you joined our community.

Each Tuesday I write a long-form piece of analysis or commentary on politics, economics, or democracy. That one is free for everyone and always will be. Every second Thursday, I post an entry for subscribers only. That could be a video in which I answer reader questions, a round up of books I’m reading or want to read, or something else to mix it up.

Once a month, on the first Saturday of the month, I publish an episode of my Substack podcast On Work. It’s a fun, lighthearted way to get to know how creative people turn the hours of the day into the stuff we love to consume.

The author stares into the camera, wearing a blue shirt, with mountains and buildings in the far background across the water.
*Record scratch* *Freeze frame* Yep, that’s me. I bet you’re wondering how I got here. Well, I wanted to create even more stuff for you. And I’m glad you’re here to take part. Photo Credit: Brooke Siem.

Why am I doing this?

We like to say “it’s never been more important to…” care. Or pay attention. Or understand politics. Or get a grip on economics.

The fact is it’s always never been a more important time to sort things out what you think is right and good and true — and to push back against power. That’s why I write.

This newsletter is a bit of a shortcut. Or a guide. A map, if you prefer. Even a cheat sheet. It’s a regular, critical look at politics, policy, democracy, and economics around the world. It’s meant to help you navigate the moment. It’s also a gathering place for people who care about what’s happening — and what happens next.

Who am I?

I’m a contributing columnist with the Washington Post, the host of a couple current affairs podcasts (Open to Debate and Left Looking In), and the author of a book about why we make bad political decisions.

I have a PhD in political science from the University of British Columbia. I also write about books and more for the Globe and Mail, Jacobin, and a handful of other publications. I offer political commentary and analysis for radio, television, and print. When I’m not writing or re-watching Casablanca, I’m terminally online.

I hope you’ll join me and share this newsletter with others.


Why subscribe?

Subscribe to get full access to the newsletter and website. Never miss an update. Get a look at what’s happening and why. Connect with others who care about politics, policy, democracy, and economics around the world. And support my work.

Subscribe to David Moscrop

A critical look at politics, policy, democracy, and economics around the world from an author, full-time journalist, and sometimes-academic.


I'm a writer, author, podcaster, and political commentator. Sometimes I do academic work, too. I have a PhD in political science from the University of British Columbia.