'Too Dumb for Democracy?' audiobook launches!
At sweet last. Order your copy today and hear my dulcet tones explain why we are so screwed, and how we might unscrew ourselves.
I’m away this week because I am burned out. Hard. Reading and writing about the news for a living while confronting the daily strain of the dawn of the Anthropocene is a whole thing. Also, my basement is flooding. It’s a whole rich tapestry. But…some good news.
My book is now available in audiobook format in Canada and the US! If you’re wondering why things are such a mess, why people defend their party at any cost, why people like Trump come about and succeed, why social media drives us mad, where we might be headed, and how we can do better, this is a book for you. Plus, you can hear me read it!
The book is available wherever fine audiobooks are sold, including:
Libro.fm (this site is a personal favourite because you can choose to support a local bookstore when you buy a book)
If you enjoy the book, in whichever format, please considering leaving a rating and a review on the platform of your choice. It makes a big difference and is a great (free) way to support an author.
Thanks again for your support and see you back here next week!
Totally get it. 🌞🌞🌞 👊🖖 Take care.